Friday, March 18, 2011

All Roads Lead To Rome

Well like all good things this too must come to an end. We started the morning with a buffet breakfast and then back to the centre of Firenze (Florence)for some more shopping, shopping, shopping. Leather jackets, leather purses, leather boots...You think they sell leather around here. Some great deals were made today. Traditional Florentine pizza was on the menu for lunch, then on the buses to head back to Rome for our final night in Italy. The four hour drive took us back through the mountains and olive groves, right to the Da Meo Patacca for another fantastic Italian dinner while we were serenaded by a three piece guitar band singing traditional Italian folk songs. After dinner it was back to the hotel we began in for a small "last night" party before bed. We'll be up for breakfast early and off to the airport for the long trip home.

Photos to follow

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you've had such a wonderful time! It's been fun travelling along. Have a safe trip.
